Please welcome Gary Baseman!
April 23, 2008 | Add a Comment
Did somebody say LA/Hollywood please step up? Yes, I did! At the cusp of summer I begin to get nostalgic about my home, Los Angeles (hell-a), it’s a pretty cool place in case you haven’t been here and despite what you may have heard!
And to reflect this, I’m very happy to welcome our latest ST artist and fellow LA native. Gary Baseman is everywhere!! Just look around and you’ll spy a chou chou or two! Nothing short of pure delight to work with, Gary was so generous of his time and brought along one of the most enchanting little sketch/story books you could imagine! Gary will be using many of the drawings featured in this book for an upcoming exhibition (more info as it becomes available) … and fortunately for us we can watch the whole process come to life here in his debut ST video … enjoy & please comment!
Accompanying music track by the always awesome LA based band, The Deadly Syndrome!