Syd Mead 01

Artist: Syd Mead  |  January 11, 2010  | 

Syd Mead is the man! I asked Syd if we could highlight his quick sketching style here on ST and he said I should go with it and pick some tunes! Here is the first!

raconteurs-bio The Raconteurs


  1. ken


  2. Sir

    Syd Mead? SWEET!

  3. kevline

    THANK YOU, finally another video except his dvds 🙂

  4. Leonard Teo

    Awesome stuff. Thanks for this! 🙂

  5. Eric

    This is so awesome.

  6. dickie snit

    Great stuff! Syd Mead…what more is there to say!

  7. Adam THEOSONE Klodecki

    !!! Kreska we Krwii !!! which in Polish means: line in blood

    hope to reach that level one day…

  8. Pirkka Harvala

    Mr. Klodecki, Of course you will. 🙂

  9. Edward

    Love your work man =)

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