John Mahoney 01

Artist: John Mahoney  |  March 10, 2010  | 

Pure brilliance! The only way to describe John Mahoney’s debut sketch video. Music from more brilliance, Portland’s Quasi.

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  1. Dylan Forman


  2. Philliph Drummond

    So wicked. Genius!

  3. Chris

    Very nice style. sick man.

  4. NomNom

    Did they hire him to do the sketches in Superbad?

    Great sketch none the less.

  5. ep

    Just lovely. I hope you make another video soon.

  6. Apricot

    Nice job John, it is fun to see the creativity just fly right off your fingertips…literally. Glad to see you on Sketch Theatre

  7. Eric Carl

    This is one is pretty nuts, I love it!

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