Axel 13 06

Artist: Axel 13  |  September 21, 2010  | 

Axel #13 in his sixth installment, impressive as always with a mysterious track from a very cool San Francisco band, Barn Owl

GD30OBH.pdf Barn Owl


  1. amalie

    wow. it’s WOW.. youre soooo good 😀

  2. Apricot

    Dude, you rock Axel! It was nice watching you draw this in person.

  3. axel 13

    @amalie-Thank you for digging!

    @Mr. Apricot- it was great to see you at the Gnomon booth at SDCC. 😛
    Dude, you did an awesome job on your sketch!
    Catch you later.

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