Rick O’Brien 04

Artist: Rick O'Brien  |  September 27, 2010  | 

Watch Rick O’Brien wave his magical brush in this fourth installment, with music from Chapel Hill N.C. band The Moaners!

w027ft The Moaners


  1. tiago

    Cool as Always….congrats…

  2. hell0o

    The moaners sound very 90s to me. Nice sketch, and cool song.

  3. Brian Whitmire

    very nice! its nice to watch the paints/ink absorb over time. good work!

  4. Esculapio

    What is being used as the black background under the paper? I would like to use something dark like that that doesn’t reflect too much light when I draw.

  5. Sean Stewart

    Love it, as always!

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