Brandi Milne 05

Artist: Brandi Milne  |  September 22, 2010  | 

Brandi Milne in her fifth installment! Enjoy this little dandy with a tune from Montreal’s SUUNS!



  1. Caerphilly

    Cute. I like the music bubble.

  2. jon doe

    yeah. cute.

  3. Miss Mindy

    aww.. humpty—so cute…Brandi Rules!

  4. Paris

    What is the title of this song be SUUNS? It’s great. The art is awesome too. 🙂

  5. Lily Feliciano

    @Paris – the song is called “Up Past The Nursery” it reminds me a lot of a band called Clinic, if you aren’t familiar with them you should check them out too, glad you liked it 🙂

  6. Jen

    Thats so kool 😀 AWE :3

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