Cory Benhatzel 03

Artist: Cory Benhatzel  |  January 25, 2010  | 

Third installment from miss Cory Benhatzel, with a sweet tune from Blind Pilot!

blind-pilot Blind Pilot


  1. mike

    i think there’s something wrong with the vid….or is that just me? lol

  2. Daniel Samson

    I think it’s fine now!

  3. jessica

    this is amazing. i love it 🙂

  4. Guy

    how come we don’t get to see you drawing with the blue pencil? You just start out with the drawing already on the paper, in blue, and trace over with the graphite.

  5. Lewis Sauve

    Great drawing …very ironic..heheh The mouse is perched on his biggest enemy heheh. I don`t know if you know Mrac gabbana On here but he is an old neighbour ,,good friend. Thanks for the vid.

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