Michael Broom 08

Artist: Michael Broom  |  April 19, 2011  | 

Michael Broom is here to melt your face off with installment 08, proceed with caution! Japanese Black Metal anyone?! Music from Magane… Y-E-S!

23357 Magane


  1. Conny

    maaaaan this is awesome! I LOVE it!

  2. tiago

    Sick Sick Sick…You´re tha Man…….

  3. paul

    hey please upload your epic sketches to devianart so we can watch them fullview 😉 all of them are just awesome

  4. paul

    hey please upload your epic sketches to deviantart so we can watch them fullview 😉 all of them are just awesome

  5. jmalave

    Anyone got a bucket for my freshly melted face?

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