Mister Sam 01

Artist: Mister Sam  |  October 29, 2010  | 

The eve of the witches weekend is the most excellent moment to debut Mister Sam (insert your best macabre laughter here) spooks and skills, and stOrk! Happy Halloween from ST!

stork stOrk


  1. Scottie Mack

    Been waiting all week for this, it was well worth the wait. EViL……..( music is kick as too !!! )

  2. Carolyn Hampton

    Mister Sam is the COOLEST! He has such mad skillz! I love this video.

  3. GiantRobot3


  4. Nina1305

    awesome! ^-^v totally kick @$$ work!

  5. paulehr

    that’s some righteous work there man, look forward to seeing more from ya

  6. soootheromans

    Superb!!!!!! Loving the twist on the usual pumpkin……I like surprises……..
    Music was spot on!!!…..
    Look forward to seeing more from you………………

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