Steven Daily 03

Artist: Steven Daily  |  October 23, 2009  | 

Steven Daily’s awesome third video installment, to the tune of the Murder City Devils!

51VXMgEx9vL._SS500_ Murder City Devils


  1. Mateus

    he erases pretty much a lot …but the final was really good! love it!

  2. Steven Daily

    Why is the eraser such a big deal, If that bothers you peep the white out in my last one.
    This is the second time someone said that?
    Eraser = cheating?

  3. dennis

    the eraser is a drawing tool just like a pencil, pen or a marker

  4. Ken

    Dennis thumbs up :). I erase a lot. watch marko djurdjevic draw he erases alot too. 🙂

  5. ENTE

    Nice idea for the sketch, I actually like it for a tattoo. The eraser is not a big deal.

  6. Monica

    Steven how can I get your parcelain of the evil queen of snow white? Been looking for it everywhere plz help!!!

  7. Steven

    It’s sold out twas a Limited run. I have one Ap left, I’m hording it!

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