Ready… Set… Launch!
October 10, 2007 | Add a Comment
So it’s been a long 4 months of meeting new artists, courting familiar ones, gathering cool footage, learning new tricks, discovering new bands, drinking lots of coffee and Jager (thanks Michael), and general late-nighting. If late-nighting is not a proper verb it certainly should be. Sketch Theatre has arrived! First off I should let you know that the site will be updated daily with new videos, blogs, comments, and very soon – merchandise.
So check back frequently and let me know what you think of the site! This site exists so we can all be inspired by thoughts, art and ideas… And that means yours too. 🙂
A very big thank you goes out to the artists who have jumped in head first for Sketch Theatre, when there was not even a site to show!. Chet Zar, Alvin Lee, Daphne Yap, Mari Inukai, Michael Hussar, Dave Hill, Corey Miller, David Krentz, Bayard Baudoin, and certainly not least, Igor the “Black Frog”… You all rock! Thank You!.
Another big thanks to the bands and record labels who have graciously offered up and continue to provide amazing music for these videos, the links page will be up very soon and when it is be sure to check these bands out. I don’t claim to be as tunefully elite as Pitchfork Media but I think I’ve featured a few bands you should dig.
Welcome to the Theatre. Hope you like what you see, I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow with more updates.
🙂 Lily